Gen Z | Years, Age Range, Meaning, & Characteristics (2025)

demographic group


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Also known as: Gen Z, Homelanders, centennials, iGeneration, post-millennials, zoomers

Written by

Alison Eldridge Alison Eldridge was Managing Editor at Encyclopaedia Britannica.

Alison Eldridge

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Also called:
Gen Z, zoomers, iGeneration, centennials, post-millennials, or Homelanders

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Generation Z, term used to describe Americans born during the late 1990s and early 2000s. Some sources give the specific year range of 1997–2012, although the years spanned are sometimes contested or debated because generations and their zeitgeists are difficult to delineate. Generation Z follows the millennial generation, sometimes called Generation Y, which followed Generation X, the first generation to be assigned a letter. Reaching the end of the standard Latin alphabet, Generation Z is succeeded by Generation Alpha, the first generation to be assigned a Greek letter.

Members of Generation Z, or Gen Zers, have been undeniably shaped by the Great Recession of 2007–09 and the COVID-19 pandemic. They grew up in the era of the iPhone, which debuted in 2007, and of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, a governmental department founded in 2002 after the September 11 attacks that most of them are too young to remember. Because of this, early names for Gen Z included “iGeneration” and “Homelanders.” In their early years they witnessed watershed social changes, such as the election of the first Black U.S. president (Barack Obama) and the legalization of same-sex marriage.

Generation Z is, in general, the most diverse generation of Americans to date in a variety of demographics. Nearly 50 percent of Gen Zers are racial and ethnic minorities, and 1 in 4 identifies as Hispanic. Gen Zers are more likely than previous generations to have at least one foreign-born parent, although immigrants make up a smaller proportion of Generation Z than of millennials. Gen Zers have grown up in more diverse settings than did previous generations and have higher percentages of single-parent families, mixed-race families, and LGBTQ+ parents in legally recognized partnerships. In fact, 16 percent of Gen Zers identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community themselves, more than any previous generation. They are also shifting and eschewing gender norms more than any previous generation, with more than half of Gen Zers saying that forms and profiles should allow for sex or gender options other than “man” and “woman.”

They are more likely to reside in cities and metropolitan areas, only 13 percent growing up in rural areas, and Gen Zers are less likely to move than those of previous generations were at the same age. Research in 2018 showed that the oldest members of Gen Z were delaying or perhaps even foregoing marriage, only 4 percent getting married between the ages of 18 and 21—nearly half as many as in the millennial generation, of which 7 percent got married at a young age. This may be partly because more of them are going to college.

Gen Z is the first true digital native generation. As opposed to millennials, the generation that lived through the rise of the Internet while still growing up with cable television and landline phones, Gen Zers have lived their lives fully connected digitally. Most of them do not remember life before smartphones, and all have grown up during a time of ubiquitous access to streaming content and social media. The way they interact with the Internet and with each other via the Internet is different from the ways of previous generations. Whereas millennials went through an era of very open and personal posting on social media—deeply personal and public posts on Facebook, Twitter, or blogs—Gen Zers have turned more toward anonymous forms of social media, such as Snapchat and Whisper, which allow users to keep their audience limited and have messages disappear after the recipient views them.

Some reports have noted members of Generation Z as more pragmatic and earlier to mature than those of previous generations, Gen Zers being more likely to graduate high school, more likely to go to college, and more cautious in their career choices. They are more likely than any previous generation to have at least one parent who graduated college. They were found less likely to engage in underage drinking or to ride in cars without wearing a seat belt. This may be partly because of their being mostly raised by Generation X parents, who were largely concerned with childhood safety. Another contributing factor could be that Gen Zers were growing up during the recession of 2007–09, during which they witnessed adults around them experiencing financial trouble and employment instability. As they began moving into adulthood, Gen Zers aimed to avoid the difficulties that plagued the generations, including the baby boom, before them.

Alison Eldridge

Gen Z | Years, Age Range, Meaning, & Characteristics (2025)


Gen Z | Years, Age Range, Meaning, & Characteristics? ›

Generation Z (born 1997-2012) is characterized by their digital native status, diversity & inclusivity, and mental health awareness. They prioritize social consciousness, career growth & financial stability as well as political engagement to shape personal lives and the world around them.

Who are Gen Z's age range and characteristics? ›

Recent News. Generation Z, term used to describe Americans born during the late 1990s and early 2000s. Some sources give the specific year range of 1997–2012, although the years spanned are sometimes contested or debated because generations and their zeitgeists are difficult to delineate.

What does the year Gen Z mean? ›

Encyclopedia Britannica defines Generation Z as "the term used to describe Americans born during the late 1990s and early 2000s. Some sources give the specific year range of 1997–2012, although the years spanned are sometimes contested or debated because generations and their zeitgeists are difficult to delineate."

What makes Generation Z so different from older generations? ›

Gen Z (or Generation Z) grew up with rapid digital changes. As teens, Gen Zers experienced the boom of smartphones, wearables, and virtual assistants, among other disruptive tech. This immersion makes them open to integrating new technology into their lives. Gen Z is already using AI in their daily lives.

What is the difference between Gen Z and millennials? ›

Millennials were born between 1981 and 1996 while members of the Gen Z years Gen Z years were born between 1997 and 2012. Millennials expect faster customer service. Gen Z tends to be better at accepting delayed gratification than millennials. Millennial customer service expectations are higher than Gen Z customers.

Why does Gen Z look older than millennials? ›

Stress isn't the only trigger for Gen Z believing they are “aging like milk” (another highly searched query). Some in the cohort claim their use of retinoids is speeding up premature aging, with social media testimonials citing that it is creating an increase in fine lines.

What is the mentality of Gen Z? ›

Gen-Z cares about following their passions, caring for the earth and demanding social and environmental justice from high-level decision-makers. As a result, they're more vocal, values-driven and individualized than generations that came before them.

What age does Gen Z end at? ›

Generations defined by name, birth year, and ages in 2024
GenerationsBornCurrent Ages
Gen Z1997 – 201212 – 27
Millennials1981 – 199628 – 43
Gen X1965 – 198044 – 59
Boomers II (a/k/a Generation Jones)*1955 – 196460 – 69
3 more rows
Jun 26, 2024

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Also known as Generation Y, Millennials are a demographic cohort, or age group, that falls between Gen X and Gen Z. They're called Millennials because the oldest members of this generation became adults at the turn of the millennium.

Are Gen Z aging faster? ›

But according to WebMD, dermatologists say that is just not true. They say the two things that accelerate skin aging are the sun and smoking, which younger generations tend to shy away from compared to older generations.

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Despite the complexity of these issues, the blame for these trends has far too regularly been pointed in one direction: toward Generation Z. As the newest entrants to the workforce, Gen Zers have been frequently scapegoated — saddled with stereotypes of being disloyal, unprofessional and lazy.

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Generation Z is known for Being resourceful

Because they are finding their answers, they are doers and activists—they jump in and do—which means they may ask for your forgiveness rather than your permission. Gen Z, the children of Gen X, value self-reliance and independence and are self-directed.

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Gen Z's standout priorities for 2024 are centered around self-enrichment: things like starting new jobs, learning new skills, reading more, or finding love.

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The Greatest Generation commonly refers to those Americans who were born in the 1900s through the 1920s. The Greatest Generation members lived through the Great Depression and many of them fought in World War II. These individuals have often been described as driven, patriotic, and team players.

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The Gen Z work ethic is usually compared to millennials' work ethics, with Gen X and boomers often confusing the two. It is said that millennials and Gen Zs have similar preferences at work: flexibility, work-life balance, and advancement. However, the latter is more aggressive in attaining their desires.

How to tell if someone is a Millennial? ›

As you may think, defining the two generations is based entirely on dates—in this case, years. A Millennial is anyone born between 1980 and 1995. In the U.S., there are roughly 80 million Millennials. A member of Gen Z is anyone born between 1996 and the early-mid 2000s (end date can vary depending on source).

What are Gen Z's described as? ›

Born between 1996 and 2010, the new generation of individuals, Generation Z, can be described as loyal, thoughtful, compassionate, open-minded, responsible and determined. However, they are so much more than that. Generation Z is a generation of creative and innovative digital natives who crave authenticity.

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Distinguishing Characteristics

Three fundamental aspects of Gen Z stand out: their status as digital natives, their unparalleled diversity and inclusivity, and their heightened awareness of mental health issues.

What is the difference between Gen Z and Gen Alpha? ›

Gen Z is defined as those born between 1995 and 2012, meaning the oldest are starting in their careers, and the youngest are in middle school. Meanwhile, Alphas' birthdays range from 2013 to 2025, meaning the newest generation members haven't even been born yet, and the oldest are beginning to pick up summer jobs.


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